Month: December 2019

Hello all :)



After a VERYYYYY long 5 Year hiatus from various forms of social media. I am happy to say I am back, revamped and ready to share all new fashions with all of you! Firstly, to the 3000 followers I have kept loyal to my blog thank you so very much for sticking around.

Firstly, an update on my life… I have gotten myself caught up in a serious relationship since leaving WordPress!!! You can definitely count on seeing him through out my upcoming posts! Will is a well grounded man with true southern ideals.That being said, he definitely was caught off guard with my mass of clothes I just cant seem to let go of. We are currently in a distance relationship, of course my life cant be easy. FaceTime was a seriously amazing invention 🙂 


Secondly, I became an uncle! Liam Gray Dipaola! He is now 2 but my god the boy has given me life again. I never figured I would be the uncle type but recently found it suits me!!! “Grunkle” Cameron has a certain ring to it!


For now this is just a quick update on my life 🙂
Next post, I am going to show you guys my newest inspiration Interior Designs!

 #life #fashion #update #gay #Happy #LivingYourBest2020